I never thought that the Lord would use me in any significant way until Uncle Sam had his way with me.
Setting: Iraq
Time Frame: sometime between May 2003 and now.
So there I was, sitting in the sand...well, not literally, but you catch my drift...pun intended. I was away from my family, I was getting shot at every so often, and I was REEEEEEEALLY appreciating the modern techology that is UnderArmour(R).
Sure, I was praying...pretty much everyone was in some way shape or fashion; there's no atheists in foxholes.
But instead of simply asking for a safe trip home for me, I was also praying that all the soldiers in my unit come home safe. I prayed for the spiritual well-being of my fellow soldiers, and told them I was praying for them. I did a daily devotional, occasionally posting a particularly inspirational tidbit near our platoon area, and every time the subject of faith came up, there was never any question which side I'm on.
Little did I know that these little things I was doing were shaping me into who the Lord needed me to be at that point in time. After a year of working closely with the same people day in and day out, at least 150 people have a very good idea what a Christian looks like. Several of those folks had what could only be termed as a revival of their faith. I'm still hearing of changes the Lord has made in people's lives, and I thank God that I was able to serve Him in this manner. And I just thought I was strengthening my OWN faith.
He is the potter, I am the clay. No matter how many times I flop over and spin off the wheel, He can still use me for His purposes.
Lord, I pray that you continue to make me into the man I need to be. Help me to walk the path You have set before my feet.